Once Upon a Haircut: The Pick

So I chose Option B.

Here's what happened.

Lily, are you sure you want to cut your hair?

"Yikes what am I doing?!?"
"Wait how long is it? Oh, right"
(too long)
"Ok yes I'm sure. Let's do this!"

... Some time went by...

cut, cut...

snip, snip...

And the end result is...

(not exactly like Ginnifer Goodwin's but I like it)

Exactly how much did I cut off?

"Twelve whole inches!"

Now I'm gonna take that pony tail and donate it to Locks of Love. I've been wanting to do this for some time and now I finally can.
The lady who cut my hair was a little shocked at how much I wanted to cut off. Then I told her I wanted to donate it and she understood why that much. She later asked if I was gonna watch the game tonight and I was like "Heck yeah!"
That was an awesome game by the way. Love my Mavs!
Great haircut. Great game. I'm happy.

"We had a sick night bitches"
- Mr. Chow (Ken Jeong) in The Hangover Part II


  1. Nice choice! From here you can grow it or go Emma or the new Goodwin cut. Love change. Got it .... so play with it right? Cute gal... cute style.

  2. Thank you so much! I haven't completely ruled out the pixie. I will get it at some point I'm sure. I'm happy with the cut I got now. I played with it today and found out that I can do 3 different hairstyles in under an hour! I love that!! Thanks again for your kind words and thank you for reading my blog! =)

  3. I have been wanting to donate my hair for so long but just haven't gotten the courage to actually go through with it! But I plan to chop it off and donate by the end of the year!

    1. Do it! I'm going to donate again. Most likely this summer after my wedding. If you want we can go together! Yay!


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